2020 Awards and Accolades Nominations

Awards and Accolades

Laura Cross Distinguished Service Award — LCDS
KACRAO's highest award is presented to the individual who has served in the Admissions, Records, Registrar, or Enrollment Management profession for a substantial portion of their career and made significant contributions to KACRAO.

Beth Tedrow Outstanding New Professional Award (watch an interview with Beth Tedrow) — ONP
This award is presented to an individual who has been in the Admissions, Records, Registrar or Enrollment Management profession for less than six years and is an active KACRAO member having served on at least one association committee. The recipient must also be involved in one or more campus committees. This award recognizes new professionals for achievements, involvement and potential in admissions and registration.

Richard N. Elkins Special Service Award (watch an interview with Richard Elkins) — RNESP
This award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and special dedication to KACRAO by recognizing active members who have made, or are continuing to make, significant contributions to KACRAO.

Ev Kohls Equal Opportunity Award (watch an interview with Ev Kohls)—EEO
This is award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional dedication to ensuring access to higher education for underrepresented student populations.

Diane Barnes Mentor Award – DB
This award is presented to an individual who has served as a dedicated and inspiring mentor to Admissions and Registration professionals.

Legacy Award — LA
This award is presented to an individual who has made a significant impact to KACRAO and higher education and is now retiring from the profession. Nominees may also be nominated for Honorary Membership.

Certificate of Appreciation — CA
The Certificate of Appreciation is presented to an individual who has demonstrated significant support of the Association's activities and mission. (CPC hosts, presenters, non-members and retirees may be considered).

Honorary Member — HM
Honorary Membership is awarded to an individual who has made significant contributions to the Association as an active member, but is no longer eligible for institutional membership. Examples of those who might be most strongly considered for honorary membership would be individuals who have left the profession, including recent retirees.

Previous Recipients, Awards, and Accolades

CA John Ewert Tabor College
CA Bill Smith Salina High School
CA Rich Davis Wichita State University
HM Don Davis ACT
HM Chuck Gavin CEEB

CA Russell Graham (posthumous) Coffeyville Community College
CA Hugh Haire Allen County Community College
CA Ray McKinney Pratt Community College
HM Leon Burch Bethany College

CA William C. Cummins Butler Community College
CA Irene Feak Wichita State University
CA Zelma Farr Fort Hays State University

CA Dr. C. Ray Baird Pittsburg State University
CA Jerry Snyder Scott City High School
CA Bill Scott (posthumous) Cowley Community College
DS Joe LeCluyse Johnson County Community College
DS Hazel Schelper Bethany College

CA Jim Warren Derby High School
CA Lyle Welch Holton High School
DS Marge Blank Kansas City Kansas Community College
DS Dr. Lee Dodson Washburn University
EEO Marshall Jackson University of Kansas
SP Dick Elkins Kansas State University

CA Keith Rickner McPherson High School
CA Cheryl Thalheim McPherson High School
DS Deborah Castrop Colby Community College
EEO Mary Navarro Wichita Public Schools

CA Bob Ingel Leavenworth High School
CA Bob Blackman Olathe High School
CA Stanley Henderson AACRAO Representative
DS Walter Gehlback KU Medical Center
DS Ralph Decker Southwestern College
EEO Lydia Gonzales Garden City Community College

CA Mary Chubb Baldwin City High School
CA Horton Flaming Augusta High School
DS James Parker Pittsburg State University
DS John Triggs Washburn University
DS Dick Elkins Kansas State University
EEO Lavonna Spencer Wichita State University

CA Dr. Ed King Shawnee Mission East High School
DS/HM Russ Wentworth (Ret.) Wichita State University
DS/HM Don Stump Kansas City Kansas Community College
DS/HM Ev Kohls Butler Community College
EEO Rudy Ortiz Dodge City Community College
HM Dr. Lee Dodson Washburn University
SP Gunile DeVault Kansas State University

CA Randy Burwell Iola High School
CA Larry Fowler Garden City Community College
EEO Alice Brummell-Jenkins Sumner Academy
LCDS Laura Cross Wichita State University

CA John Burgardt Topeka High School
LCDS Rosalie Pennington Barton Community College
EEO Patrice Olysas Newton High School
EEO John Augusto Washburn/Garden City Community College
HM Jan Jantzen Emporia State University
SP Louise Cummings-Simmons Bethany College

CA Mark Bandre’ Tabor College
CA Helen Anderson Chanute High School
EEO Ed Franklin Johnson County Community College
HM Wally Carlson Cloud County Community College
HM Sister Dorothy Saint Mary College
HM James Kellerman Fort Hays State University
HM Bill Schulte Emporia State University
HM Ken Snow Baker University
SP Don Foster Kansas State University
SP Rich Morrell University of Kansas

CA Joyce Reger Wichita Public Schools
EEO Dwight Jones Wichita High School South
HM Deborah Boulware University of Kansas
HM Louise Cummings-Simmons Bethany College/Baker University
LCDS Dick Elkins Kansas State University
SP Jerry Hedrick Seward County Community College

CA Susan Johnson Oswego High School
EEO Reverend Walter Simpson Minister
HM Richard N. Elkins Kansas State University
HM Theron JohnsoSn Colby Community College
LCDS Beth Tedrow Garden City Community College
RNESP Richard N. Elkins Kansas State University

CA Marco Rivera Kansas State University
CA Don Foster Kansas State University
CA Jody Schlup Kansas State University
CA Joy Moeckel Fort Hays State University
EEO Dr. Placido Hoernike Fort Hays State University
LCDS Gary Royse Butler Community College
RNESP Mel Schremmer Phillipsburg High School
RNESP Hoyt Sunderland Wichita West High School

CA Kay Dunning Erie High School
CA Johnny Roy Labette County High School
CA Pat Atkins Hugoton High School
CA Marvel Castor Russell High School
CA Allen Fitzgerald Sacred Heart High School (Salina)
CA John Wilkerson Flint Hills High School
DS Gunile DeVault Kansas State University
EEO Alice Jenkins Sumner Academy
HM Barbara Dawes Kansas State University
LCDS Gunile DeVault Kansas State University
ONP Heather Eckstein Pittsburg State University
RNESP/SP Glenn Lygrisse Tabor College

CA Pat Flynn Fort Scott Community College
CA Barbara Schountz Pittsburg State University
CA Brenda Selman University of Kansas
CA Lisa Pinamonti University of Kansas
CA Marylinn Peaslee KSCA
CA Tom Green Newman University
CA Lynette Brummett Kansas State University
CA Victoria Jackson Wichita NE Magnet High School
DS Lee Christensen Pittsburg State University
DS Pat Mahon Fort Hays State University
DS Pat Long Johnson County Community College
EEO Grady Landrum Wichita State University
HM Brenda Selman University of Kansas
HM Barbara Schountz Pittsburg State University
HM Pat Mahon Fort Hays State University
HM Peggy Hoytal Donnelly College
HM Tom Green Newman University
HM Pat Flynn Fort Scott Community College
LCDS Lee Christensen Pittsburg State University
ONP Chris Meiers University of Kansas Medical Center
SP Joyce Reger Wichita Public Schools

CA Melinda Fiken Colby Community College
CA Karl Kandt Emporia State University
DS/LCDS Ev Kohls Butler Community College
HM Joel Keller Hutchinson Community College
ONP Jon Armstrong Seward County Community College
RNESP/SP Don Foster Kansas State University

CA Dave Zachman Russell High School
CA Patt Hess University of Kansas Medical Center
CA/DS/HM Don Foster Kansas State University
CA Don Wedel Flint Hills High School
CA Sharon Mangels El Dorado High School
EEO Debbie Lloyd Dodge City High School
LCDS Don Foster Kansas State University
ONP Chad Steinkamp Butler Community College
RNESP/SP Ange Peterson Pittsburg State University

CA Lanny Carpenter Riley County High School
DS/LCDS Paul Kyle Butler Community College
EEO Holly Dressler Johnson County Community College
ONP Gina Helget Johnson County Community College
RNESP/SP Bill Wynne Wichita State University

CA Susan Cooper Kansas State University
CA Chris Meiers University of Missouri
CA Larry Hill (Ret.) Chanute High School
CA Gary Murphy (Ret.) Cherryvale High School
CA Cheryl Bowen (Ret.) Parsons High School
CA Melba Gahagan (Ret.) Altoona-Midway High School
EEO Melinda Lewis El Centro, Inc.
HM Chris Meiers University of Missouri
LCDS Neil Hoelting Wichita State University
ONP Todd Moore Hutchinson Community College
RNESP Melinda Roelfs Pittsburg State University

CA Brad Young Bluestem High School
CA Ken Valentine Douglass High School
CA Pam Lloyd (Ret.) Riverton High School
EEO Darryl Neighbor Wichita State University
HM Ange Peterson Pittsburg State University
HM Roger Schieferecke Fort Hays State University
HM Pat Robinson Emporia State University
LCDS Jim Shortt Manhattan Area Technical College
ONP Ben Schears Cowley College
RNESP Diane Barnes Wichita State University
SP Rich Morrell University of Kansas

ONP Sherri Conard Butler Community College
EEO Kim Starks Hutchinson Community College
LCDS Diane Barnes Wichita State University
RNESP Heather Eckstein Pittsburg State University
RNESP MargE Shelley Johnson County Community College

RNESP Beth Tedrow Garden City Community College
ONP Kala Steffen Barton Community College
LCDS Joey Linn Fort Hays State University
HM Lee Christensen (Ret.) Pittsburg State University
HM Forest Smith Cowley College
EEO Mary Collins Pittsburg State University
CA Debi Hudson St. Teresa’s Academy
CA Ann Koch Maize High School
CA Karen Kreutzer Campus High School

RNESP Dr. Carla Rasch Washburn University
ONP Jayre Lee Garden City Community College
LCDS Glenn Lygrisse Butler Community College
EEO Itzel Rodriguez Garden City Community College
CA Ryan Ruda Garden City Community College
CA Lynn Perez Colby Community College
HM Betty Kruse
HM Beth Tedrow

EEO Alicia Martinez Newell Wichita State University
LCDS Bill Wynne Wichita State University
ONP Mysti Byrd Pittsburg State University
RNESP Shirley Rueb Newman University

DB Heather Eckstein Pittsburg State University
LCDS Dr. Cindy Derritt University of Kansas
CA Melinda Roelfs Pittsburg State University
CA Chris Meiers University of Kansas Medical Center
CA Gina Crabtree Wichita State University
CA Penny Cook Pittsburg State University
CA Aaron Hamilton Wichita State University
CA Joy Mildfelt
CA Heather Eckstein Pittsburg State University
CA Fonda Briles University of Kansas Medical Center
CA LeRoy Rooker AACRAO
EEO Precious Porras University of Kansas
RNESP Gina Crabtree Wichita State University
ONP Tony Fuentez Pittsburg State University
HM Dr. Pat Long Baker University
HM Gunile DeVault Kansas State University

EEO Dr. Christie Brungardt Fort Hays State University
HM Glenn Lygrisse Butler Community College
HM Julie Katz Kansas State University
HM William E. Wynne Wichita State University
CA Cheryl Semmel USA/Kansas
CA Jim Flax Wichita Public Schools
CA Teresa Maly Emporia High School
DB Nikki Geier Garden City Community College
LCDS Rodney Frey Bethel College
RNESP Ev Kohls Butler Community College
ONP Amy Jo Troyer Emporia State University

ONP Tana Cooper Barton County Community College
RNESP Dr. Lee Furbeck University of Kansas
LCDS Heather Eckstein Pittsburg State University
EEO Eric Wilkinson Kauffman Foundation (formerly Pittsburg State University)
DB MargE Shelley Johnson County Community College

ONP Dr. Brent Yoder Hesston College

CA Mert Barrows Fort Scott Community College
CA Casey Wallace Johnson County Community College
DB Kirsten Allen Butler Community College
EEO Maria Hernandez Dodge City High School
HM/LCDS Nikki Geier Garden City Community College
RNESP Aaron Hamilton Wichita State University

ONP Maggie Harris
CA Dr. Lee Furbeck (formerly University of Kansas)
CA Brian McDow University of Kansas
CA Casey Wallace University of Kansas
CA Dr. Edward Hammond
CA Dr. Dennis Day
CA Randy Myers
CA Dr. Edward Berger
DB Dr. Joey Linn Fort Hays State University
EEO Cara McNorton Kennedy Elementary School
HM Deanne Duerksen
HM Rodney Frey Bethel College
HM Dr. Carla Rasch Washburn University
DS Melinda Roelfs
RNESP Nancy Unruh

EEO Kaye Monk-Morgan
ONP Mandy Tetrick Butler Community College
DB Debbie Greve Pittsburg State University
RNESP Lori Crowther Barton Community College
LCDS Gina Crabtree Wichita State University

EEO Baudilio Hernandez, Barton Community College
CA April Cozine, Wichita State University
DB Hugo Perez, Hutchinson Community College
HM Jayre (Lee) Zimmerman, Garden City Community College
ONP Michelle Ponce, Butler Community College
RNESP Pete Belk, Johnson County Community College
LCDS MargE Shelley, Johnson County Community College
Retiree Vanetta Geiger, Highland Community College

EEO Alicia Sanchez, Wichita State University
DB Corbin Strobel, Hutchinson Community College
ONP April Cozine, Wichita State University
RNESP Tammy Tabor, Garden City Community College
LCDS Kirsten Allen, Butler Community College
CA Michelle Ponce, Butler Community College
CA Cathy Britton, Bethany College
CA Rachel Cronn, Fort Hays State University
CA Benjamin Herron, MyMajors
Retiree Elaine Henrie, Emporia State University


EEO Hector Martinez, Garden City Community College
CA Aaron Hamilton, Wichita State University
CA Barbara Nagel, Kansas State University
DB Chad Steinkamp, Wichita State University
ONP Chris Neary, Highland Community College
RNESP Bobby Gandu, Wichita State University
LCDS Nancy Unruh, Garden City Community College

EEO Kyle Ellison, Real Men, Real Heroes, Inc.
DB Tammy Tabor, Garden City Community College
ONP Megan Chambers, Butler Community College
RNESP Casey Wallace, University of Kansas
LCDS Lori Crowther, Barton Community College
CA Lai-L Daugherty, Butler Community College
HM & Retiree Debbie Greve, Pittsburg State University
HM & Retiree Linda Peterson, Cloud County Community College
HM & Retiree Janet Caywood, Sterling College
HM Danette Sullivan, National Student Clearinghouse

DB Leslie Quinn, Johnson County Community College
ONP Rachel Cronn, Fort Hays State University
RNESP Maggie Harris, Barton Community College
LCDS Casey Wallace, University of Kansas
HM & Retiree Paul Kyle, Johnson County Community College
Retiree Ila Balluch, NCK Technical College
Retiree Kathy Chaney, University of Kansas
Retiree Kathy Johnston, Labette Community College

DB Jon Armstrong, Fort Hays State University
ONP Kyle Stacken, Fort Hays State University
RNESP April Cozine, Wichita State University
LCDS Aaron Hamilton, Wichita State University
HM Larry Moeder, Kansas State University

DB Gina Crabtree, Wichita State University
ONP Bryan Crouch, Flint Hills Technical College
RNESP Michelle Ponce, University of Kansas School of Medicine
EEO Dr. Tankersley-Bankhead, KC Scholars
LCDS Pete Belk, Johnson County Community College
LA MargE Shelley, Johnson County Community College

DB Lori Crowther, Barton Community College
ONP Brandi Brenner, Pittsburg State University
RNESP Tana Cooper, Barton Community College
EEO Dr. Alan Bearman, Washburn University
LCDS Tammy Tabor, Garden City Community College
CA Steve Luoma, Washburn University
CA Lori Gibbon, Newman University

DB Christina Long, Hutchinson Community College
ONP Andy Bohn, Cowley College
RNESP Chad Steinkamp, Wichita State University
EEO Dr. Gregory Roberts, Dodge City Community College
LCDS Jon Armstrong, Fort Hays State University
LA Corbin Strobel, Hutchinson Community College
CA Bill Rinkenbaugh, Butler Community College
Corbin Strobel, Hutchinson Community College
HM Megan Chambers